Thursday, November 29, 2007

10 ways to get rid of a telemarketer

Personally I don’t care for telemarketers, in fact I really don’t care for them. They call at the most inoppertune times - when you’re eating, sleeping, relaxing, or just sitting around doing nothing (yea even then it’s annoying). In the even you have alittle time on your hands and want to really ensure they don’t call back (let’s face it, the National Do Not Call List only goes so far)… here is the F&J top 10 list for getting rid of a telemarketer…

1.) Say, “No,” over and over. Be sure to vary the sound of each no, and keep an even tempo even as they’re trying to speak. Maybe sing a song with all “No’s” This is the most fun if you can keep going until they hang up.

2.) If they want to loan you money, tell them you just filed for bankruptcy and you could it. Ask, “How long can I keep it? Do I have to ever pay it back, or is it like that other money I borrowed before my bankruptcy?”

3.) If they start out with, “How are you today?” say, “Why do you want to know?” Or you can say, “I’m so glad you asked, because no one seems to care these days and I have all these problems, my colon is acting up again, my rectum are sore, my pet rock just died…” When they try to get back to the sales process, just keep talking about your problems… if they persist - ask them why they don’t care.

4.) If the person says he’s Joe Shmoe from the Acme Company, ask him to spell his name, then ask him to spell the company name, then ask for his address. Ask for landmarks. Continue asking questions about the company for as long as necessary.

5.) This one works better if you are male: Telemarketer: “Hi, my name is Jessica and I’m with Roger Dodd Services…. You: “Hang on a second.” (few seconds pause) “Okay, (in a really husky voice) what are you wearing?”

6.) If you get one of those pushy sales people who just won’t shut up, patiently listen to their sales pitch. When they try to close the deal, tell them that you’ll need to go get your credit card. Then, just set the phone down and go do laundry, go shopping or whatever. See how long that commission based scum waits for you to get your credit card.

7.) If a long distance phone company calls trying to get you to sign up for their Family and Friends plan, reply, in as sinister a voice as you can, “I don’t have any friends… would you be my friend?” If that doesn’t work, say “Please.”

8.) Tell them you work for the same company they work for. For example:
Telemarketer: “This is John From Acme Sales.”
You: “Acme Sales, hey I work for them too! Which center are you calling from?”
Telemarketer: “Uh, Dallas, Texas.”
You: “Great, how’s business over there? The weather? Too bad the company has a policy against selling to employees! Oh well, see ya.”

9.) Let the person go through their spiel, providing minimal but necessary feedback in the form of an occasional “Uh-huh, really, or, “That’s fascinating.” Finally, when they ask you to buy, ask them to marry you. They get all flustered, but just tell them you couldn’t give your credit card number to someone who’s a complete stranger. You might even find your soulmate.

10.) Tell the telemarketer (this is my personal favorite) you are busy and if they will give you their phone number you will call them back. If they say they are not allowed to give out their number, then ask them for their home number and tell them you will call them at home (this is usually the most effective method of getting rid of telemarketers). If the sales person says, “Well, I don’t really want to get a call at home,” say, “Ya! Now you know how I feel.” (smiling, of course…)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Chapter 12 Assignment

1.) Explain what a subsidiary ledger is and list the ones that we will be using as we post transactions from the journal to the ledgers.
- Subsidiary Ledger: A Ledger that is summarized in a single general ledger account.
-Accounts Receivable Vendor's name and Accounts Payable Customer's name subidiary ledgers.

2.) Explain what a controlling account is list the ones that we will be using.
- Controlling accounts: Account in a general ledger that summarizes all accounts in a subsidiary ledger.
-Using Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.

3.) Explain where controlling accounts are maintained.
- Maintained in subidiary ledger.

4.) What is the relationship between a controlling account and a subsidiary ledger?
-The Subsidiary ledger has the names of all of the vendors/customers involved in the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable transactions. The Controlling accounts are the titles which include "Accounts Payable" and "Accounts Receivable".

5.) Identifly in writing the two schedules that we will perpare.
- Schedule of Accounts Receivable and Schedule of Accounts Payable.

6.) List the rules for posting a journal's column totals?

-General amount column totals ARE NOT posted.
-Special amount column totals ARE posted.

7.) Explain why the 3-column account form used in an accounts receivable ledger has a Debit Balacne column?
- The Accounts Receivable accounts have a normal balance on the debit side becasue they are assets. Assets have a normal debit balance.

8.) What is the title of the balance amount column of the accounts payable ledger form and why is that title used?
-The normal balance column has to be on the credit side, becuase of it being a liability.

9.) List the steps for starting a new page in the accounts payable ledger.
* Write the venders name
* Write the venders number
* Write the date
* Write the word Balance in the Item column
* Place a check mark in the Post. Ref. column to show that the amount has been carried forward for a previous page rather than posted from a journal
* Write the account balance

10.) List the steps for posting to the accounts receivable ledger.
* Write the date
* Write the journal page number
* Write the debit amount in the debit column of the account
* Add the amount in the debit column to the pervious balance in the debit balance. Then Write the new account balance in the debit column
* Write the customer number

Monday, November 19, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

Our assignment is to analyze one of the four situations provided and explian if it is ethical or not.

Situation #3

Lynnette Tillar and Bob Rebold are co-workers and good friends. Their supervisor, George Parton, has previously reprimanded them for spending too much time chatting on the phone and visiting. George has desided to access their e-mail to see if they are wasting company time with personal online communications as well.

George's actions are not ethical because:

  • George shouldn't go through other people's e-mails without their permission. It is called invasion of privacy to the people.

  • Personal e-mail accounts do not have anything to do with the business field. George should not have a reason to go through personal information.

  • Lynette and Bob should have the right to talk to each other whenever they want to, as long as they do their work.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Chapter 11 Vocats
  • Customer: Person or business to whom merchandise or services are sold.
  • Sales Tax: Tax on a sale of merchandise or services.
  • Cash Sale: Sale in which cash is recieved for the total amount of the sale at the time of the transaction.
  • Credit Card Sale: Sale in which a credit card is used for the total amount of the sale at the time of the transaction.

Important Facts

  • Price of Goods x Sales Tax Rate = Sales Tax
  • Price of Goods + Sales Tax = Tatal Amount Received
  • Sales Tax Payable ( Debit goes down and Credit goes up)
  • Invoice: A Form describing the goods or services sold, the quantity, and the price. Infomation showing about the sales.
  • Sales Invoice: An invoice used as a source document for recording a sale on account. Its also referred to as a sales ticket or a sales slip.